Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doctor treats us finding cause of the problem ! Same is the case of social ills!

In this blog, I would like to share my thinking, feelings and ideas with you people.
Thought of the  day.
When you go to the doctor, first he listens to your problem,
tries to find out the cause and prescribes a remedy !
Your problem is solved, once the remedy, works.
Same is the case with any problem.
Personal problem, organisational problem or social problem.
First you have to go close to the problem, understand the problem, analyse the problem
find the causes to the problem, then find remedial measures and then apply,
you find that the problem is solved.
Over speed is causing road accidents, to a major extent.
If we control the speed of all the vehicles, on the road, you are preventing accidents on the road considerably.
Once you know ,why baby is crying, you will be able to stop the baby crying, by attending.
This is known as " cause & effect theory"
This helps us for personal growth, organisational development and social up liftment.
The way we show faith in the doctor, we should have faith in the theory and implement it aptly.
We can generate jobs for many, increase revenues for the country, provide basic needs and build prosperity.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Welcome to this blog BriefCase !

Welcome to this blog BriefCase!
Every thing is presented in brief here.
This is an insight into various aspects of life, covered  in brief.
At the outset, I thank Google team which enabled me to start this blog.
Every one is busy, no one can spare much time, for reading.
In short time, we should be able to cover more aspects in life.
That is what made me to start this blog.
I see lengthy lessons, lengthy articles, lengthy columns.
Where is the time to read.
Hence this BriefCase
Every thing is presented in brief
I am sure, you will love it. Thank you!

Brief, simple, easy to understand, to the point, interesting, thoughtful, useful

I am glad,the great giant, Google enabled me to start my blog BriefCase!
Let me tell you,what I intend to keep in my BriefCase.
Content in brief, simple, easy to understand, crisp, thoughtful  &  useful.
Let me start with the profile.
I mean, profile of a person.
About me, Interests  & occupation may be more important
than gender, location, date of birth,  school or college, where studied, where worked.
It is enough to get rough idea of the person in question.
Thought of the day -
Education is not to know more, but to behave differently!-Ruskin
Let us give importance to personal traits & human values and decent behavior.
If we focus on real education, revamp education, it will lead to a better tomorrow!
Thank you! Have a good day!